How should the applications be installed?
Server and Client machines must have the following characteristics, respectively:
Server: ▪ Database engine: Microsoft SQL Server 2012 (it can be the Express version). The instance collection must be Latin1_General_CI_AS. ▪ Database interface: Management Studio ▪ Operating System: Windows Server 2012 ▪ Web Services: IIS - Microsoft Internet Information Services 7 (or later) ▪ Hard drive minimum free space: 10 GB ▪ RAM memory: 4GB (8GB for RDP access) ▪ Acess Server Bullet License => ▪ Other: Framework .NET 4.6.1 (this Framework should also be installed in all of the client computers, and it´s not compatible with Windows XP). ▪ Other: Define a backup policy for the applications’ databases. Client / workstations: ▪ Operating System: Microsoft Windows 7 (or later) ▪ Hard drive minimum free space: 1 GB ▪ RAM memory: 4GB (or higher) ▪ Other: Framework .NET 4.6.1 How do you want us to install the applications?
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