Table List Actions

From the Table List View you can perform multiple actions:

Search for a specific Entity.

Filter Results

Press the "Show" button in order to filter the table's data.

Order Results

If the field is orderable, just click the arrow next to the header field to order the column in an ascendent or descendent way.

Change the Number of Itens per page

Bellow the table you can change the number of itens displayed on the page.

Activate/Inactivate Entity

Press the toggle button in order to activate or inactivate the Entity.

Actions Menu

From the Actions Menu, at the end of each row, you can Edit or Delete the Entity. 

Multiple Actions Menu

Selecting one or more Entities will display a Cog button, that opens the Multiple Actions Menu.

In this menu you can Delete, Activate, Inactivate and in some cases Export the selected Entities.Â