BTT-Version 5.8
New escape method related to teachers' free days restriction
Performance improvements in loading and data preparation for time generation
New goal to avoid floor changes (in the same building) at class time (FEUP requirement)
New objective to avoid floor changes (in the same building) at the teachers' time (FEUP requirement)
Spanish text adjustments
Remove concept from Frontend Composite Disciplines
Adjustments in Spanish translations
New report on maximum teacher load (same as the maximum class load report)
General revision of the Spanish text
New homepage in Spanish
New link to version history
New ceiling to prevent buildings from changing to 480 minutes (from 300 to 480 minutes)
New custom.config.default file (installer)
Provide class code information in the UI
Provide room code information in the UI
Added PNG format to institution logo image
Improved image compression for institution logo
Improved error reporting when importing XML_Aulas over classroom groups and teacher groups
Adjustments to course unit information on weekly and subsequent loads (separate dominant vs. dominated information)
Adjustments in the SIMULATION process (advances impossible events at startup and differentiates in the list of removed events impossible events from problematic events)
New GENERATION setting to allow user to decide whether to start new initial solution or continue / pause current generation