BC-Version 5.14
New subtitle arrangement in the edit window for event color
Event export functionality in CSV format for FENIX platform
The "Event Title" field provided
Allow XML to import "Event Title"
Allow BTT_XML_BC to import "Event Title"
Adjustments to the MAX_WEEK_LIMIT variable to allow you to set the desired amount of time in weeks to get HTML listings and times.
By changing classes directly from the editor, pre-select curriculum plans for the original classes.
When changing teachers directly from the editor, select the groupings of the original teachers.
Disallow enable / disable bullet user
Revised PDF File Ordering (AAAAMMDD)
Revised teacher phone number validation (allows integer values and length of 20)
In Settings for New Users, added "Recorded" information
In the settings for new users revised how to update content after saving information and browsing the different panels
Additional column of event student numbers made available in event export CSV
New image on unassociated entities with events button
When opening a new edit window keep the dates of the last edit window
Total room capacity adjustments in occupancy listings
Adjustments in neighboring editor evaluation when no restrictions are active
New link for editor window access to managing visible weeks
Possibility of creating visible weeks clusters to allow you to have only the visible weeks of that right side cluster immediately
Record and edit button settings in event characterization (create event / edit event)
Possibility of searching the entity that appears in the list below when associating teacher / class / room with the event
Possibility of researching the entity when changing the course of the event
Possibility of configuring 45m slot in the editor and in the visualization of times and html listings
Hide French and German languages
Readjustments in the "Teaching Service Allocation" listing to allow a specific start and end date to be set
Possibility to include subtitle of the teaching service (html schedules: teachers, classes, classrooms, curricular units, curriculum plans, event types)
Possibility to configure subtitle of the teaching service (html schedules: teachers, classes, classrooms, curricular units, curricular plans, event types)